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Fredric Brown

(1906 - 1972)

Fredric Brown was an American science fiction and mystery writer born on October 29, 1906, in Cincinnati, Ohio. He was celebrated for his concise narrative style, marked by a mastery of the short story format and the use of surprise and humor. Brown's career as a writer took off after he abandoned his previous occupations to focus full-time on his passion for storytelling.

In the realm of science fiction, Brown was recognized for his inventive plots and philosophical underpinnings. His novel "The Lights in the Sky Are Stars" (1953) presents a heartfelt narrative of ambition and space exploration, while "Martians, Go Home" (1955) is a humorous take on a Martian invasion, reflecting Brown's ability to blend the thought-provoking with the playful.

Brown's mystery and detective fiction equally showcase his skill, with works such as "The Fabulous Clipjoint" (1947), which won him an Edgar Award from the Mystery Writers of America. His iconic story "Nightmare in Yellow" epitomizes his talent for impactful, twist-ending stories.

Although he passed away on March 11, 1972, Fredric Brown's remarkable body of work continues to be celebrated for its ingenuity and brevity, earning him a place among the notable figures of mid-20th-century American genre fiction.

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