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Henry James

(1843 - 1916)

Henry James was an esteemed American-born writer, regarded for his psychological insight and exploration of consciousness within his works. Noted for his contributions to literary realism and modernism, James divided his life mainly between the United States and Europe, eventually settling in England, which became the adopted home where he crafted many of his most significant works.

James penned a vast array of novels, short stories, plays, and critical essays. His intricate and refined prose style delves deeply into the inner lives of characters, often examining issues of morality, perception, and the clash between the Old World (Europe) and the New World (America). Notable works like "The Portrait of a Lady" (1881) and "Daisy Miller" (1878) present nuanced portrayals of American expatriates experiencing societal intricacies in Europe.

The intellectual and moral interplay within the upper crust of society is a persistent theme in James’ writing, as seen in novels such as "The Wings of the Dove" (1902) and "The Golden Bowl" (1904). Also known for his ghost stories, "The Turn of the Screw" (1898) remains one of the most enigmatic and terrifying tales in the canon of supernatural fiction.

Towards the end of his life, James became a naturalized British citizen and was awarded the Order of Merit. Today, he is revered as a master of narrative fiction and a significant figure in transatlantic literature, affecting both American and English literary traditions with his introspective and eloquent style.

Short Stories member since March 2016