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Huina Zheng

An Ordinary Mother

Mom, I hated crystal dumplings, but you made them when you were too exhausted to cook. I expected to repay you by listening to you and getting good grades. When I had Lan, I resolved to be a good...

5 min read · Rating: PG · Read story

A Recipe That Tastes of Home

Lan looked at her cell phone in a daze. She wanted to ask her father about his mood and how he had slept recently, but she was distant from her father. Lan called her father and said she couldn't...

4 min read · Rating: G · Read story


Several days after I sprained my ankle, my left foot still hurt, and the bruises looked worse. My elder sister's 15-year-old daughter had an affair with a man named Chen and lost her fashion...

5 min read · Rating: R · Read story

A Ring of Pain

After I miscarried, I had to hide in the trunk of my husband's delivery van each time family planning officials came, but the doctor said it would be healed within a week. A few years later, my...

5 min read · Rating: PG-13 · Read story