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Jasmine Sawers

Still Life with Conch Shell

In the shelter of our happiness, his shell shone brighter and brighter until one day, it split open and crumbled into dust to reveal a baby, golden skinned and blinking up at me.

3 min read · Rating: PG · Read story

After Nang Nark, a Thai folktale

Nai Mark returns to Phra Khanong forty years after he left home screaming, and finds the house he shared with Nang Nark boarded up and listing to one side. He steps inside and kisses Nang Nark...

< 1 min read · Rating: G · Read story


When you left, I traded my tears for a seed.

< 1 min read · Rating: PG · Read story

If You Wait an Hour, There Will Be Bread Fresh Out of the Oven

Coraline-not-Caroline takes the urn into the kitchen after a casserole dish breaks and there is blood on Mama's special occasion table linens. Everyone tells her what to do with the urn, including...

2 min read · Rating: PG · Read story

Mango Son Theen

The farang carries a typewriter in a case wherever he goes, and the other girls scatter when they see him come in. Laksana eats the same thing every day, and says it's manna from heaven. Today the...

5 min read · Rating: PG · Read story

All Your Fragile History

I got this DNA test for my dog because people kept asking and I was sick of not having an answer so I got him and swabbed his gums and sent it back to New Jersey postage paid no problem. I sat back...

4 min read · Rating: PG-13 · Read story