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Madeline Yale Wynne

(1847 - 1918)

Madeline Yale Wynne was an American writer, artist, and designer, who gained recognition during the late 19th and early 20th centuries for her short stories and her contributions to the Arts and Crafts movement. Born into a culturally rich environment, her father was a publisher and her grandfather was the founder of Yale University. This background fostered her artistic and literary aspirations, allowing her to develop a multifaceted career.

Wynne's writing frequently appeared in popular magazines such as Harper's and The Atlantic Monthly. She is perhaps best known for her short story "The Little Room," which showcases her talent for infusing the mystical and ambiguous into seemingly ordinary settings. Wynne often explored themes of perception and reality, crafting narratives that invited readers to question the solidity of their surroundings and the nature of existence.

Aside from her literary endeavors, Wynne was also an accomplished silversmith and co-founder of the Handicraft Club, which sought to revive and promote traditional craftsmanship. Her artistic sensibilities were evident in her writing, which is distinguished by its intricate detailing and appreciation for the handmade.

Madeline Yale Wynne's literary and artistic legacies continue to be appreciated for their creativity and philosophical depth, reflecting an individual who sought to seamlessly blend the world of art with that of the written word.

Short Stories member since March 2024