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Rudyard Kipling

(1865 - 1936)


The Black M'Phee had been, and the first officer told me about a man who was a boiler-maker at Greenock when M'Phee was a 'prentice'. The first officer went forward to find a man to row me to the...

28 min read · Rating: PG-13 · Read story

The Bridge-Builders

Hitchcock felt very old in the crowded experiences of the past three years and wielded his whipping powers temperately. He controlled his own gang of tackle men. Finlinson Sahib had given orders to...

63 min read · Rating: PG-13 · Read story

‘Bread upon the Waters’

McPhee liked my pamphlet on saving life at sea and introduced me to Mrs. McPhee. McPhee was sacked by the Board after twenty years of service and went out to the hall porter to get his wits again....

50 min read · Rating: PG-13 · Read story

The Bonds of Discipline

The Gaul breaks enclosure to study the morale of the British sailorman, and annexes a beggar by the left ear and right foot and sets him to work peeling potatoes. Antonio was pioneered to the...

46 min read · Rating: PG-13 · Read story

Baa Baa, Black Sheep

Punch was put to bed by the ayah, the hamal and Meeta, the big Surti boy. The next morning Judy shouted that there was a rat in the nursery, but Punch was very sick and Mamma wept at...

53 min read · Rating: G · Read story

As Easy as A.B.C.

The A.B.C. controls the Planet and was informed that the District of Northern Illinois had cut itself out of all systems and would remain disconnected. De Forest glanced at the map as we flew over...

52 min read · Rating: PG-13 · Read story

The Army of a Dream Part 2

The great hall was emptying apace as the clocks struck two. Non-commissioned officers grewled and wrote down names, and then ten minutes of the quickest feeding and firing with dummy cartridges was...

40 min read · Rating: PG-13 · Read story

The Army of a Dream - Part 1

I sat down in the Club smoking-room to fill a pipe, and was led into a many-tabled restaurant full of civilians and grey-green uniforms. Burden bottled us under Sghurr Mhor in a snowstorm, and we...

34 min read · Rating: PG-13 · Read story

American Politics

After reading about machinery in action, I am hopelessly in love with eight American maidens. They are instructed in the folly and vanity of the male mind. The American of wealth is owned by his...

22 min read · Rating: PG · Read story

The American Army

I would like to deliver a dissertation on the American army and the possibilities of its extension, but the authorities persist in considering an external war. The American army is beautiful, but...

9 min read · Rating: G · Read story

America’s Defenceless Coasts

The American will go to a bad place because he cannot speak English, but he knows how to make a home and keep the grass green in front of his veranda. From those peaceful homes, you shall find a...

19 min read · Rating: G · Read story

The Adoration of the Mage

A slim, thin little story serves to explain a great many things, and was told by a pink-eyed young gentleman who knew more than he ought. The highly distinguished politician who had been...

5 min read · Rating: G · Read story