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Victor Hugo

(1802 - 1885)

A Fight With A Cannon

A brave soldier showcasing courage and resilience against overwhelming odds during a battle.

18 min read · Rating: PG-13 · Read story

Claude Gueux

A tragic tale of a man driven to crime by poverty, highlighting social injustice and the harshness of the penal system in 19th-century France.

29 min read · Rating: G · Read story

The Vicissitudes of Civil War

Depicting the human cost of conflict, showcasing the devastation and despair faced by ordinary people during times of war.

7 min read · Rating: NC-17 · Read story

Autumn Leaves

Reflecting on the passage of time and the transient nature of life.

< 1 min read · Rating: G · Read story

Hope, Child! To-Morrow

Conveying a message of optimism and resilience.

< 1 min read · Rating: G · Read story

Still Be a Child

Cherish innocence, urging to preserve childlike wonder amidst adulthood.

< 1 min read · Rating: G · Read story

The Tomb and the Rose

Exploring the contrast between life and death, as symbolised by a tomb and a rose.

< 1 min read · Rating: G · Read story