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Walter McRoberts

(1860 - 1915)

A Dangerous Cargo

The Lochleven lay becalmed in the south-east trades of the Pacific, where thousands of turtles assemble, lay their eggs in the sand, and then float away with the current. Howard. Captain Stafford...

21 min read · Rating: G · Read story

Bringing in a Derelict

The West India hurricane of August, 1893, caused great havoc among shipping on the Atlantic seaboard from Florida to Maine. The captain finished filling his pipe with fragments of tobacco. Two...

23 min read · Rating: PG · Read story

Crossing the Line

The barkentine Mohawk was through the Atlantic Doldrums and the skipper felt as light-hearted as a boy. The morning was hot, but a fine breeze prevented discomfort. Two strange figures climbed over...

26 min read · Rating: PG · Read story


The steward asked the mate and bo's'un how the two negroes had managed to escape. The St. Lawrence was a neat little ship, and Captain Fairley was one of the finest men I ever met. His daughter...

16 min read · Rating: G · Read story

My Brazilian Adventure

Alice and I were seated at the breakfast-table in our rambling old house on the outskirts of the French quarter in New Orleans when Ralph called to say that the Sea Witch had been chartered to load...

24 min read · Rating: PG · Read story

Rounding Cape Horn

The full-rigged American ship Sagamore was flying along in the South Atlantic under a stiff top-gallant breeze when Will Hartley and Frank Wilbur were taking their evening constitutional when they...

55 min read · Rating: G · Read story

Thanksgiving on the Dicky Bird

Many years ago I was mate of the little schooner Dicky Bird and the captain told a lot of lies that the mate swallowed like an albacore. The next day was fine and we had a first rate dinner. Prince...

27 min read · Rating: PG · Read story

The Life-Savers

Captain Litchfield, keeper of the life-saving station, thought of the Peruvian as a bitter north-easter raged outside. The men at Fourth Cliff Station sighted a large brig close-hauled and...

17 min read · Rating: G · Read story

The Monomaniac

The homeward passage from New Zealand is made via Cape Horn the. The Sunrise was beaten on the home stretch by twenty-four hours by Dick Lewis. Captain Maxwell sent Dick Lewis to the quarter-deck...

41 min read · Rating: R · Read story