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William Carlos Williams

(1883 - 1963)

William Carlos Williams was an American poet and physician closely associated with modernism and imagism. In addition to his writing, he pursued a successful medical career, providing a unique, dual perspective that informed much of his literary work. Born in Rutherford, New Jersey, Williams was heavily influenced by the American idiom and local environment, which became central themes in his poetry.

His work is characterized by its embrace of clear, direct language and imagery, eschewing the traditional confines of meter and rhyme to capture the essence of American life and speech. Williams sought to invent a new poetic expression that reflected the realities of modern, urban life. A significant hallmark of his work was its accessibility and its focus on the commonplace, finding beauty and significance in the everyday.

Some of his most famous poetry collections include "Spring and All" and "Paterson," a multi-volume epic reflecting on the complexity of American society through the lens of a single city. His poem "The Red Wheelbarrow" is among the most famous of modern American poems, encapsulating his artistic philosophy in just sixteen words. Williams' influence as a poet and his contributions to modernist literature have secured his reputation as a transformative figure in the 20th-century poetry canon.

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