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Ellis Parker Butler

(1869 - 1937)

Buried Bones

Mr. Gubb goes to pay Mr. Medderbrook but finds his house deserted. He later receives a telegram from Syrilla breaking off their engagement. Chi Foxy, a tramp, reveals that he is a murderer and...

27 min read · Rating: PG · Read story

Dey Ain't No Ghosts

A little black boy named Mose is afraid of ghosts in his ghostly neighborhood, but after encountering various ghosts who all claim there are no ghosts, he realizes there are no ghosts to be afraid of.

21 min read · Rating: PG · Read story


A man reflects on his tendency to get distracted and chase after meaningless pursuits, preventing him from achieving success.

17 min read · Rating: PG · Read story

Mr. Billings's Pockets

Mr. Billings enters his home late and his wife finds unusual items in his pockets. He explains the events that led to these items being there.

32 min read · Rating: PG · Read story

Pigs Is Pigs

An argument between an express company agent and a customer over the shipping rate for guinea pigs leads to a dispute about whether guinea pigs are considered pigs or pets.

17 min read · Rating: PG · Read story

Solander's Radio Tomb

A millionaire named Remington Solander wants to build a radio loud-speaking tomb in a cemetery, but after his death, the radio waves are assigned a different frequency and play jazz and comedic...

15 min read · Rating: PG-13 · Read story

The Chicken

Philo Gubb, a detective, is approached by Mrs. Smith who asks for help in finding her stolen chicken. Philo Gubb agrees to take the case and eventually catches the chicken thief, who pays a hefty...

23 min read · Rating: PG · Read story

The Man Who Did Not Go to Heaven on Tuesday

A man named Silas is accused of locking his wife, Sally, in their shack and pouring water down the chimney. However, Silas denies these accusations. Uncle Noah, a witness, claims that he nailed the...

28 min read · Rating: PG-13 · Read story

The Progressive Murder

Philo Gubb, a paper-hanging detective, is hired by Uncle Gabriel Hostetter to investigate his son-in-law, Farrington Pierce, who he believes is trying to murder him. However, Philo soon discovers...

16 min read · Rating: PG-13 · Read story

The Thin Santa Claus

Mrs. Gratz wakes up on Christmas morning to find that her chickens have been stolen. However, she soon discovers a purse with $900 in it. A man claiming to be a chicken buyer and a chicken-house...

22 min read · Rating: PG · Read story

The Two-Cent Stamp

Philo Gubb, a detective, gets caught up in a case involving beer theft and burglary, with various characters seeking his help and offering money to solve the mystery.

29 min read · Rating: PG-13 · Read story

The Un-Burglars

Detective Gubb investigates a series of un-burglaries, where the un-burglar leaves behind spoons and forks instead of stealing them.

21 min read · Rating: PG · Read story