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Kate Dickinson Sweetser

(1870 - 1939)

Cofachiqui: An Indian Princess of Historic Legend

An Indian princess in South Carolina encounters Spanish adventurers who seek gold. She shows them kindness and offers them provisions, but they betray her trust. She escapes their captivity and...

28 min read · Rating: PG-13 · Read story

Elizabeth Van Lew: The Girl That Risked All That Slavery Might be Abolished

The story follows Elizabeth Van Lew, a young woman in Richmond during the Civil War, who becomes a Union spy and risks her life to aid the Union cause.

37 min read · Rating: R · Read story

Jeanne d' Arc: The Maid of France

The story follows the life of Jeanne d'Arc, also known as the Maid of France, who at a young age led the French army to victory against the English during the Hundred Years' War. She was captured,...

46 min read · Rating: PG-13 · Read story

Molly Pitcher: The Brave Gunner of the Battle of Monmouth

Molly Pitcher, a young serving-maid, becomes a soldier and fights in the Battle of Monmouth. She shows bravery and dedication to her country.

23 min read · Rating: PG-13 · Read story

Mozart: The Boy Musician

The story follows the early life of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, showcasing his musical prodigy from a young age and his journey to becoming a renowned composer.

21 min read · Rating: PG · Read story

Pocahontas: The Indian Girl of the Virginia Forest

A young Indian girl named Pocahontas saves the life of Captain John Smith and develops a friendship with him, but their relationship is tested when the English settlers face famine and Powhatan,...

56 min read · Rating: PG-13 · Read story

Victoria: A Girl Queen of England

A young girl named Victoria grows up in Kensington Palace, unaware that she will one day become the Queen of England.

35 min read · Rating: PG · Read story