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Timothy Shay Arthur

(1809 - 1885)

A Dollar on the Conscience

Mr. Levering informed the lady that she had paid five cents a yard too much, but kept silence and let her depart beyond recall. Mr. Levering sought self-justification in vain, and went out and...

11 min read · Rating: G · Read story

After a Shadow

Mrs. Mayflower called her baby, who was running off in the clear sunshine. The baby struggled a moment, and then stood still, stooping forward for something on the ground, and was held close...

11 min read · Rating: G · Read story

A Good Name

Two boys planned a row-boat excursion on the Schuylkill with Harry Elder, Dick Jones, and Tom Forsyth, but Ralph objected to Tom Forsyth's presence. Jacob Peters was fifteen years old and had left...

15 min read · Rating: G · Read story

Alice and the Pigeon

Alice, a little girl whom everybody loved, pushed back the curtains of her bedroom window and saw a pigeon sitting close against the window-pane. She said in soft, pitying tones, raised the window...

7 min read · Rating: G · Read story

Amy's Question

Mrs. Grove called from the door that opened towards the garden, but no answer came. She went to the foot of the stairs and called again, but there was no reply, so she went up stairs to looks for...

4 min read · Rating: G · Read story

A Mystery Explained

Hoffman was in debt for more than two or three times that amount, but he pushed the thought away as wrong. Hoffman shook his head gravely and answered, "I can't see it. Your salary is six hundred...

13 min read · Rating: PG · Read story

An Angel in Disguise

The dead mother lay cold and still amid her wretched children. Neighbors went hastily to the old tumble-down hut, but poor little Maggie was hopelessly diseased, and no one said "I'll take...

13 min read · Rating: G · Read story

Andy Lovell

Andy Lovell, the shoemaker, became prudent and saving, and laid up money for his wife's and children's sake. Andy Lovell suddenly made up his mind to shut up his shop and retire from business,...

12 min read · Rating: G · Read story

Aunt Mary's Suggestion

Mr. Belknap spoke in a firm, rather authoritative voice to John Thomas, who did not lift his eyes from the book or make any verbal response. The boy turned off without a word of reply. Mr. Belknap...

10 min read · Rating: G · Read story

A Visit with the Doctor

Mrs. Carleton felt miserable and weak, and shut her eyes as Dr. Farleigh asked her to ride out with him. The doctor bore his patient, holding her all the while in pleasant talk, and reached out his...

11 min read · Rating: G · Read story

Both to Blame

Both are to blame. Mrs. Bates received a new head-dress from her sister in New York and insulted Mrs. Tarleton openly. Mrs. Bates received a beautiful head-dress from a sister in New York, and an...

17 min read · Rating: PG · Read story

Coffee vs. Brandy

Mrs. Eldridge told her husband that they would have to give their children a wedding party, and that she must order the liquors. Her son sat in the room with a book in his hand. A boy from a dear...

15 min read · Rating: G · Read story